Monday, July 27, 2015

Me, me, me. I know.

For far too many weeks, I have procrastinated on posting.

Originally, I planned on blaming my hectic summer schedule. Between trying to get ready for my first year at college, attempting to get employed, doing yoga and barre, fixing up my eating habits, and so on, it was pretty difficult to keep a focus on writing.
This is my time of the year where I am fixated on improving my body, habits, financial situations, wardrobe, and mentality. In a nutshell, I crave an improvement in my lifestyle.

And why wouldn't I?

The undeniable truth is I began to overthink what I wrote down or if I could even continue with writing down all my feelings and exposing them.
But to be honest? The point of this blog was to express all the thoughts lingering my mind even if they are inappropriate, confusing, misleading, or inaccurate. That just goes to show I am a typical eighteen year old female trying to make it through her journey to self-discovery.

This might be a short post seeing as how I just needed to get this out of my system.
It is not very often that I am open with many things but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and gift you with a key. A key that gives you entrance into a world full of mysteries.
So be it.

As of now, though, it is almost 5AM and I have a busy day tomorrow. Doctors appointment, pharmacy pick up, packing, shopping, and seeing my eldest sister after months. 
This Tuesday I have to attend an overnight 2 day orientation for my college in Staten Island and it is pretty nerve wrecking and preparing for it is even more exhausting.

Exhausting. That word just throws me off.
Can you say ew? I will.

I'll update you more on my life after I sleep and awake with energy and if you're lucky, love.

Good night, babes.

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